Insider Insights for First-Years: Senior-Proven Tips for Success

By: Amulyaa Dwivedi

Made by Amulyaa Dwivedi via Canva.

Welcome, future college trailblazers! As you prepare to embark on your exciting freshman journey, you might be feeling a mix of emotions—anticipation, excitement, maybe even a touch of apprehension. Rest assured, you're not alone in this adventure. In fact, you have an invaluable resource right at your fingertips: the collective wisdom of seasoned seniors who've walked the very path you're about to tread. Think of this as your personal guidebook, written not by professors or administrators, but by the students who've been in your shoes just a year ago.

Picture this: a treasure trove of insider insights, battle-tested strategies, and invaluable tips—all tailored to help you thrive during your first year at college. From acing your classes to finding your social circle, and from managing time effectively to making the most of campus resources, we've got you covered.

Our aim is simple: to make your transition into college life as smooth and successful as possible. We've faced the challenges, celebrated the victories, and learned valuable lessons along the way. Now, it's your turn to benefit from our experiences.

Here are some golden nuggets of advice from those who've been in your shoes:

Manage Your Class Load Wisely

Vihaan Bhatnagar, a second-year Journalism student, advises, "Don't take too many classes thinking you'll be able to do it. You won't. You'll just be lonely because you'll have no time for anything else.” This could mean  grouping your classes together in a day to avoid long gaps between them.

Kindness Goes a Long Way

Just be nice to people, network more and don’t be afraid and say hi to new people. Compliment them and you can make friends easily. It really makes all the difference, people will remember those interactions.

Prioritize Your Studies

Remember, the first year is crucial. So try to balance both academics and social life. "Study more than you think you need to, then study more," advises  third-year Entrepreneurship student, Mason Cohen. 

Stay Organized

Find an organizational method that works best for you. Whether it's setting alarms, creating weekly plans, or using smartphone apps, staying organized is key to managing your workload. 

Some of the best apps for productivity would be Google Calendar and Todoist to make you schedule and follow through , Zoom or Slack for communication and  collaboration. Quizlet  provides learning tools for students, including flashcards, study and game modes. And Grammarly or Quillbot can help you make sure you  aren’t making any mistakes in your paper. 

Establish a Routine

Time management is crucial. Avoid procrastination and start assignments early to understand their complexity. This helps you plan your workload effectively. Setting a routine makes university life considerably easier. Figure out what works best for you in terms of time management and stick to it.

Be Bold and Social

“Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Engage in social activities, start conversations, and attend events. Join clubs, volunteer, and put yourself more out there to build those lifelong friendships that make college memorable,” said Favour Adamson, a third-year Creative Industries student.

Master University Tools

Utilizing university tools and resources, such as the Tri-Mentoring program could help you a lot in your first and coming years. Hamidreza Khoramrokh, a third-year computer science student, said: “Learn how to navigate university resources like emailing professors, using online platforms, and checking your emails regularly. Join student groups to enhance your college experience and your resume."

As you set off on your freshman year journey, keep in mind that it won't always be smooth sailing. You'll encounter various situations and challenges, some of which might even involve the people you associate with. Muskan Garg, a second-year Business Management student, shares a valuable piece of advice: "Discover the art of enjoying your own company."

There will be moments when those around you are preoccupied with their own commitments, so it's essential to find ways to occupy and entertain yourself during such times.

Your journey begins with a wealth of knowledge at your disposal, thanks to those who've paved the way before you. So, prepare to thrive, make lasting memories, and embrace the exciting adventure that is your college experience!