The hustle of student business owners

Student entrepreneurs show ambition and drive since their humble beginnings 

By Aliya Karimjee

After growing tired of hearing the people around him simply say they would follow their dream without committing to it, RJ Mijares, a third-year business management student at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU), persevered to show dreams can come true with hard work.  In February 2023, he created RJM and Co., a printing and embroidery business. 

Today’s status quo for young adults is to gain post-secondary education in order to secure a stable job or make career moves of their own, with nearly 58 per cent of working-age Canadians having post-secondary credentials. However, TMU students have taken it into their own hands  to use the skills they’ve acquired from their university programs to create their dream businesses on their own — without waiting for graduation day. 

Hoping to be a "young businessman who can prove himself in the real world," Mijares chose to apply the knowledge he has gained so far from his program and additional psychology electives to a real-life business. 

From his major, he has learned elements of a successful business alongside its technical aspects, such as operations, purchasing and supply management as well as general finance and accounting skills. 

Using his resources and connections, Mijares created his own brand, focusing on the human relationship between him and his customers.

“I really wanted to bring a sense of coolness to the manufacturer. Usually when you’re creating a product, you don’t really think about the actual person that’s behind the scenes making it. So I really wanted to create something where people are like, I want to be in a relationship with the person that’s making my products,” says Mijares. 

He believes fast fashion’s quality is incomparable to small businesses and he aims for his products to last longer than a year. In order to do so, Mijares keeps in close contact with his overseas distributors. 

Mijares wants to ensure his customers of the high quality and effort they receive in the products he manufactures. To provide transparency with his customers, Mijares posts photos of his business’s progress and reels of the process — in which he also includes failed attempts

Unlike many large-scale corporate businesses, which usually don't connect personally with their customers, Mijares decided to prioritize client connections in his work. He confirmed this is especially important since his business model depends on people wanting to create. 

Black hat with dog embroidery. 

Some examples of his holiday products include a custom-made hat for a couple in which the girlfriend drew a dog on a cap. (Courtesy of RJ Mijares)

The possibilities are endless. These types of gifts give a personal touch and allow storytelling through art.

He has also produced orders for school clubs, political movements and many other requests from his clients. 

Since he started his business, Mijares has planned his orders and schedules two to three weeks ahead of time, with an average of 30 orders a week. Initially, he struggled to get his business out there and know how to price point it for customers to be interested.

"I think the big problem when we first started was settling for low margins, settling for break-evens, and those hurt you [badly],” shares Mijares. “So I think that the hardest challenge was figuring out how to get price points for things." 

RJ Mijares holding a sweater for the Palestinian Cultural Club.

This green sweater is an example of one of Mijares’ products, this one for a Palestinian Cultural Club. (Courtesy of RJ Mijares)

Since then, he has learnt that reinvesting money is the best way to keep his business going. 

“It’s not about profit, it’s about having money left over to invest in the business,” explains Mijares. 

He has set goals for when he wants to innovate specific ideas. Within his classes, Mijares has learned that discounts aren't very feasible for small businesses. Instead, he believes in customer loyalty programs and is considering implementing such initiatives for continuous shoppers. 

Mijares’ future ideas involve playing a role in his customers’ holiday shopping and integrating his business into other schools. Thinking two seasons ahead to the summer, Mijares knows he will get the chance to participate in summer markets — a dream goal of his. 

Mijares isn’t alone in his bold business moves and ambitions. 

The entrepreneurial journey of TMU student Nazha Syriani 

Nazha Syriani, founder of Nazha’s Crafts, produces crochet goods such as pillows, hats, bags, bracelets or scrunchies. 

The third-year TMU fashion student’s creativity is inspired by political movements. 

Her crafts are influenced by her Palestinian and Newfoundland backgrounds and her previous knowledge of, and she incorporates fashion, which includes sewing, crocheting and designing. 

Initially, she was posting Instagram pictures of her crafts or proudly wearing them outside. 

A red, black, white and green Palestinian flag crochet keychain. 

Recently, she crocheted a Palestinian flag for herself; however, in support of her country, many people took an interest. (Courtesy of Nazha Syriani)

"I had the [Palestinian] flag as a keychain on my backpack, and one of my friends noticed it, loved it and asked to buy it from me,” Syriani says. “People want to show their support, so I started making more.”

On top of being a student five days a week, a dancer twice a week and a daughter to her family, she believes all her hard work in this business is worth it because for her, especially when she gets to see her clients' faces and think, “I created that expression.” She welcomes creativity and will produce any design her customers’ hearts wish. Simultaneously, she also has designs of her own.

In personal and professional projects, she always values sustainability. 

Everything Syriani makes is handmade, and whenever she can, she uses “upcycled material.” 

"Recently, one of the things that I had at the Christmas market was a tote bag I made,” shares Syriani. “The fabric from the strap was used from an old pair of jeans, and then the actual stuff was from Value Village." 

A blue tote bag with a blue jean strap. 

An example of Nazha Siryani’s work, a handmade bag made out of an old pair of jeans and some other stuff from Value Village (Courtesy of Nazha Siryani)

She explains that larger-scale companies you could easily buy from don’t share those same efforts. 

“The tag will say 5 per cent recyclable, but it’s only talking about the actual tag, not the garment itself,” says Syriani. 

She finds it very important for people to support local services to not only help small-business owners like her, but also keeping the environment in mind. 

Syriani adds that she, herself, supports small businesses. She remembers visiting the Eaton Centre in Toronto where a small market was taking place earlier in the year. Within the market, many small businesses had set up their own stands from which she “tried to buy items from almost each one.”

Understanding the struggles of being a small business and the market she's entering, Syriani’s putting in the change she wants to see.

Syriani is no stranger to small-business struggles, and “finding the balance between knowing how to price things and the cost of my time,” echoing Mijares’ personal obstacles as well.

As a fashion business student, she tries to solve this issue with the knowledge she learned in certain classes that went over concepts, including calculating the costs of labour and materials. 

She had to create a cost sheet in her design courses after sewing a pair of pants. 

"That helps me [to create] prices. Especially if I'm buying wool, I can't use the same price as what the wool cost; I have to price it as to how much I will use from that roll. So every little thing comes into place," says Syriani. 

All the touching moments make all her efforts in business worth it for her in the end. 

She recounts one of her most memorable moments: her first sale. Syriani’s high school friend saw the evil eye pillow she had crocheted and bought one for her sister. After that first sale, she followed up with the purchase of a Palestinian pillow. 

“When I sold [the evil eye pillow] for the first time, I took a picture of myself with my money envelope,” says Syriani. “It was a very special moment because I've never sold anything I've made before besides making it for others [as] gifts.” 

Syriani adds that the TMU community has been just as supportive of her. She says her design history teacher bought a little coin purse and ordered the big evil eye pillow.

To achieve her goal, Syriani plans to take the necessary steps to grow bigger and bigger. By crocheting, posting more, getting noticed and going to markets, she hopes to gain enough profit to move her company onto an online platform like Etsy. 

However, her ultimate goal is to be a fashion designer using her own name, as it’s also her Teta’s — grandmother in Arabic — name. She believes her name makes her unique, and it’s a part of who she is. 

"I am Palestinian and want to represent that part of myself,” says Syriani.  

In everything she does, especially in designing, Syriani tries to incorporate her mom’s Newfoundland culture and her dad’s Palestinian culture. 

“I'm not just Canadian. I'm not just Palestinian. I'm both, and they're both very important to me." 

5 Canadian films to get you in the holiday spirit

By Nadia Brophy

It’s that time of year again - the one that gets you seated by a warm fireplace, curled up in a blanket with hot cocoa in hand, eyes glued to the TV screen. Ladies and gentleman, it’s Christmas time, and I’d like to gift you with a curated list of some Canadian holiday favourites to get you in the mood for celebrating this special season.

1.     Coming Home for Christmas (2017)

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Nothing quite beats the feeling of flicking on the Hallmark Channel at this time of year and immersing oneself in a feel-good Christmas romance. In doing so, you may come across Coming Home for Christmas, a romantic comedy following the complicated love life of Lizzie Richfield, a house manager for an estate in Virginia. The film focuses on Lizzie’s task in planning a Christmas Eve gala before the estate is sold. During this time, she finds herself caught up in the life of Robert Marley, a member of the family who owns the estate, as she begins to fall for him while also being pursued by Robert’s brother Kip. If you’re not a huge fan of keeping up with complicated love triangles, I urge you to still give the film a chance simply for its beautiful Canadian scenery. Despite being a dual American-Canadian production, all of the scenes in Coming Home for Christmas were filmed in picturesque British Columbia. Canadians from the west will recognize the towns and landscapes of Abbotsford and Langley, B.C., which bear striking resemblance to the intricate Christmas village sets that occupy our mantles during this season.

2.     The Man Who Invented Christmas (2017)

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Romance is all good and fun, but perhaps you’d prefer to indulge in a bit of Christmas history. How about a biopic drama about one of the season’s most beloved authors, Charles Dickens, portrayed by Downton Abbey star Dan Stevens in the Irish-Canadian production The Man Who Invented Christmas. This film chronicles the author’s true story of emergence from financial difficulty after he publishes three novels that fail to gain success in England’s literary scene. After gaining some new-found inspiration, Dickens sets his focus on writing the renowned story of Ebenezer Scrooge and the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future, A Christmas Carol. What arguably makes the film most intriguing is watching Dickens’ characters come to life as he writes them into existence. The audience is treated to humorous interactions between the author and the infamous humbug played by Canada’s own Christopher Plummer. The film’s score was written by Canadian composer Mychael Danna and features a series of ambient orchestral works that emulate the feeling of waking up on a snowy Christmas morning.

3. The Nutcracker Prince (1990)

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I think we can all agree that there’s something very special about watching animated films during this season. Perhaps it’s the giddy child in us that grew up watching The Grinch and A Charlie Brown Christmas on repeat leading up to Christmas day. If you’re looking to feel that childlike excitement again, The Nutcracker Prince will surely fulfill that desire. Based on the classic story The Nutcracker and the Mouse King by E.T.A Hoffmann, the Canadian animated fantasy tells the tale of a young man - voiced by Canadian actor Kiefer Sutherland - who has been cursed to live his life as a nutcracker doll gifted to a girl named Clara on Christmas Eve. When Clara finds out that the curse can be broken if the Nutcracker defeats the sinister Mouse King responsible for the curse and wins the heart of a maiden, she embarks on a fantastical journey to help her special toy become his true self once more. Part of her journey leads her to be shrunken down and transported through the Land of Dolls where Christmas is brought to life on screen through images of elegant white swans, massive evergreen forests and a towering candy palace. If you haven’t already been convinced to add this enchanting film to your Christmas to-watch list, it is also accompanied by the famed music from The Nutcracker ballet, a classic seasonal production that follows the same story.

4. The Legend of Frosty the Snowman (2005)

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Yes, you did read that right - the ever-classic The Legend of Frosty the Snowman does indeed fall under the category of Canadiana Christmas. While the film was, in fact, a co-production between America and Canada, part of the animated tale was created by former Vancouver-based animation company Studio B Productions. The film also features the voice talents of Tara Strong, a Toronto native whose work includes Rugrats, Powerpuff Girls and Fairly Odd Parents. This classic animated fantasy is set in the fictional town of Evergreen, where children are forced to abide by a strict curfew and told not to participate in any fun activities. But that all begins to change when a black top hat escapes from a mysterious trunk that has been locked away in an attic for years and gives life to the most fun-filled presence of all - Frosty the Snowman. The magical character quickly wins over the hearts of the children in Evergreen as he encourages them to enjoy the winter season while it lasts. The plot begins to take a wicked turn when an antagonizing force leads Frosty to his demise and steals his hat in an effort to keep the town absent of fun. But that doesn’t stop the children of Evergreen from embarking on a quest to reclaim their snowy companion’s hat in an effort to restore the spirit of magic in their somber town.

5. Silent Night (2002)

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When looking for films to get us ready for this joyful holiday, we traditionally wouldn’t reach for a dark flick with intense subject matter. But for those of us who are looking for a little more depth and substance in our films - still keeping with the spirit of Christmas, of course - can turn to Silent Night, a fact-based story set on Christmas Eve during World War II. The film follows a German woman and her son who attempt to escape the dangers of war by fleeing to an isolated cabin in the Ardennes forest. It is not long before their cabin is invaded by groups of American soldiers and their German enemies. The interaction would have ended in a bloodbath if it weren’t for the mother who, after much struggle, is able to convince the German soldiers to set aside their contentions with the Americans and partake in a Christmas Eve dinner together. The soldiers eventually build unlikely friendships that supersede the tension that once existed between them. While I wouldn’t list Silent Night under the ‘feel-good’ category we’re all familiar with during the holidays, I would nevertheless label it a film that captures the spirit of Christmas in bringing people together to celebrate the season.