What if it was ‘Emily in Canada’?

The hit show “Emily In Paris” doesn’t quite capture Paris correctly, so let’s try Canada instead. 

By: Talia Saley

(Talia Saley/CanCulture)

Although the Netflix show Emily in Paris has become viewers’ latest guilty pleasure, it has also stereotyped and offended several cultures. 

Emily in Paris revolves around an American woman in her mid-20s who gets an opportunity to work in Paris as a marketing executive. Most of the plot surrounds the love triangle between her best friend Camille and love interest Gabriel. Emily slowly fits into French culture as she attempts to get closer to her co-workers, who begin by despising her.

The show consistently reuses old stereotypes of French culture by portraying it as a city filled with wealthy individuals who love to start affairs. It emphasizes stereotypes of French people as stubborn, lazy, and continuously cheating on their partners.

In season two of Emily in Paris, the portrayal of a Ukrainian character Petra as a thief places unnecessary stereotypes into play. Petra tries to fool Emily into stealing clothing from a local store. It plays on the stereotype from the 1990s and 2000s of Ukrainians as gangsters, although that is not the case. 

Many Parisians were unhappy with the cliches presented in the show due to its unrealistic attributes, however, many did enjoy the show for pure entertainment during a time of social isolation imposed by the pandemic.

But what if Emily stayed in Canada instead?


As Emily loves to find touristy spots, her first go-to city would be Toronto. She might visit the AGO with her small cup of coffee, enjoying the view of busy streets and construction sites.

As a person who loves the city and tourist attractions, Emily would be terrified of the concept of camping. Let’s try to place Emily in the woods, let’s say somewhere in Alberta. Emily getting along with squirrels, water, and dirt? A little hard to imagine, but let’s try. She would be renting a modern camping trailer with all the necessities from induction stovetops to water filters. She would carry around her handy mosquito repellent, along with her sunscreen, reapplying every 10 minutes. She would enjoy the slight breeze from the lake while suntanning under the scorching sun with her designer towel. 

Every tourist likes to visit Niagara Falls, so that would definitely be on Emily’s bucket list. She might visit the Guinness World Records Museum or the Rainforest Cafe…she’d probably get some stares for snapping pictures at every stop.

COVID-19 Restrictions

Emily most definitely wouldn’t be okay with Canada’s COVID-19 restrictions because they limit her from exploring the country at its full potential. But she is a goody-two-shoes, so we can trust her to follow the rules. She’d be prepared with a designer mask to complete her look.

(Talia Saley/CanCulture)


Emily has a vast colour palette when it comes to fashion, so she would look for an outfit that makes her stand out. For her workout outfit, she would go for a Lululemon fit to start her morning jogs. To represent Canadian culture, she would definitely try the classic Roots joggers with a flannel for that lumberjack look, or maybe some black leggings with Uggs.


The first thing Emily did when she visited Paris was go to the nearest bakery to search for some baguettes. On the contrary, Emily’s go-to food in Canada would be poutine — because of course, Emily would love to try what Canada is most known for. Emily would be at the nearest New York Fries in a mall, posting it on her social story. For dessert, she’d try some classic Tim’s coffee with a vanilla dip donut to finish off the day.

(Talia Saley/CanCulture)

Dating Life

Oh gosh, this might be tricky. Unlike the unrealistic standards of Emily working it out with every guy in Paris, Canada might look a little different. One thing is for sure — she won’t easily find a handsome French chef. Unlike the show, Canada doesn’t appear as much of a romantic country, so maybe she’ll meet someone at her local Tim’s or Starbucks, but who knows. 

Let’s imagine how the directors of the show might do it. Emily would be attempting to skate at an outdoor skating rink, about to take off when a handsome Canadian hockey player crashes into her. He’d offer to buy her coffee at the nearest Tim’s and that’s how the romance begins. How romantic?

On her first date, they might go to get some sushi, take a trip to Toronto to view the CN Tower and explore the art galleries nearby.

Canadian Weather

Canadian weather can be extremely unpredictable. Coming packed to spend a winter in Canada, Emily would expect the coldest temperatures of her life. She’ll be extremely surprised by the high 20-degree temperatures, blizzards or hails randomly throughout the winter months. Sure, Canada is cold, but she definitely won’t be prepared for those random hot days.

Seeing how immensely popular this show is got me thinking. What is it that attracts people to Emily in Paris? Is it the drama? Is it fashion? Although the show does not accurately portray different cultures, people seem to get absorbed into a show that is outrageous to the point that it is entertaining. It is important to be able to spot and address issues in this show, but it is also okay to be entertained by the horrible mistakes Emily makes along the way.


