A Couch Potato’s Guide: Surviving a Movie Marathon

Tips and tricks to come out of your next screening victorious

By Claire Dufourd

(Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels)

Lights, camera, action! With finals about to be over and summer starting to show its timid face, it is once again time for the beloved – or dreaded – movie marathon season. So, whether you are embarking on your journey to Mount Doom or getting ready to gather all the Deathly Hallows, here is your official survival guide to avoid all the beginner’s mistakes of a movie marathon runner!

Preparation is Key

First things first, you cannot possibly throw yourself into an hours-long marathon before getting ready for all possible outcomes; practice is essential to your task. This is not just a casual movie night with friends, but a test of your endurance. So, take your time getting ready, and gather your essentials: 

Comfort above all else: ensure you install yourself on your most comfortable couch, seat or blanket. There is nothing worse in a marathon than having to reposition yourself every five minutes, breaking your concentration and making it easier for you to get sick of sitting down to complete your viewing competition. 

Hydration station: how many times have you heard “stay hydrated queen” during your hourly TikTok scroll? Well, the gods of social media have never been more right; keeping your favourite water bottle or a fun drink within reach is the best way to ensure you will not have to constantly pause your movie to go get a cool glass of water from the kitchen.

(Jeshoots via Pexels)

Snack stash: ah, the star of the show. Stock up on an army of sweets and chocolate to keep you fueled and focused. After all, who is Charlie without his chocolate factory? Depending on your preference, anything from the healthy favourite trail mix to the most obnoxiously sweet Maltesers will make your movie marathon the best experience you have ever had.                                                          

The Dangers of Sleep

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room – or should I say, the snore interrupting the movie. Falling asleep during a movie marathon is like dozing off in the middle of a rollercoaster ride: it is just not done. So, what can you do to avoid this crucial mistake?

Strategic seating: remember how you have to find the most comfortable seat you own? Well, this in itself can become the biggest trap of all. To avoid falling asleep in the middle of Harry finally figuring out he is a Horcrux, finding the optimal position is going to be essential. Anything too close to actually lying down will be perilous, so consider using a fluffy pillow or the eternally perfect Squishmallow to prop yourself up, making sure you won’t let yourself doze off. 

Intermissions: much like during a play, it is important to keep the audience entertained. So, do not hesitate to schedule breaks to keep yourself awake; taking a quick walk around your house, doing jumping jacks or simply discussing theories with your friends will do the trick!

(Nam Quan via Pexels)

Caffeine addiction: as with almost every situation in life, coffee will be your best friend during a movie marathon. Making yourself a nice cup of coffee with fancy latte art or a brand-new yummy syrup will be the best way to keep yourself awake for your whole movie marathon! And for our coffee-hater readers, do not fret; a Redbull or any other energy drink surely does the trick.

So, there you have it, fellow movie marathoners: this ultimate survival guide will lead to the best nights of your life watching movie classics and laughing at Adam Sandler comedies. You are now armed with comfy seating, sugary treats and a gallon of caffeine – admittedly not the healthiest guide, but one that will for sure make you win any cinematic endurance test. Now grab your remote, queue up your favourite films, and may the odds ever be in your favour. 


